Love the life you live. Live the life you love.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


We had the most eventful labor day that I can remember. First we headed to Huntington Beach in the morning with the Hawkley's. They all surfed while I broke out the camera and played around taking pictures. After that we headed to a BBQ at another dental students home. From there it was off to Disneyland to catch a couple rides. Ending the night with a meet-n-greet of new people in our building. I turned to Chris when we were tucking ourselves into bed, barley able to keep my eyes open from exhaustion and said.... "we are crazy". We were definitely crazy....but we did have a blast!


Dallas and Jessica said...
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Unknown said...

It looks like you guys had such a great labor day! You really did do it ALL! We need to get together soon!

Jim said...

I told you that dental school would be the time of your lives! I am really glad you are enjoying every minute of it! We miss you though. It isn't quite the same when you don't answer the phone at RME!

Bawden Bunch said...

Is this your idea of taking it easy so that you can get rid of the pneumonia? It IS hard to say no to fun though!!!! So glad you guys are having a great time up there! We will have to get together soon! Love ya!